Here’s Looking at You, Casablanca!

After realizing that I hadn’t watched Casablanca since I was in my early teens, I thought it might be nice to revisit the film again. Casablanca is number three on AFI’s top 100 list, and rightfully so as this film is truly a masterpiece. Casablanca has been featured on many of AFI’s lists, including “100 Years…100 Passions” (1), “100 Years…100 Cheers” (32), and “100 Years…100 Songs” (2). Six lines from the movie also appeared on AFI’s list for 100 quotes. With that said, I thought it would be fun to take those of you who haven’t watched Casablanca in a while down memory lane……


“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine”



 “Play it, Sam. Play ‘As Time Goes By.'”

“We’ll always have Paris.”

“Round up the usual suspects.”                        


“Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”   

 “Here’s looking at you, kid”

Media and Social Change Project

For my Media and Social Change project I chose to make a video presentation during which I discuss how fans have been using a variety of social networking tools to ask celebrities to be their prom dates. Part of my presentation includes actually showing everyone the different sites that are used by the fans and how important it is to use the “word of mouth” process if fans are at all going to be able to get the attention of the celebrity.

The first step is to click on this link:

After that you may click on the the link to my twitter account, and then the tweet that I have for the video (Fans Ask Celebrities to the Prom).

If any of the links fail or if you simply do not have the time or patience to go through the process (my feelings won’t be hurt), you can click here and view the video immediately:

Thank-you and enjoy!


UPDATE: The above link is for a video that is different from the one that I posted last night. This was my first time making a video like this so I was very nervous and rambled a lot. Because I wasn’t completely satisfied I decided to try it again and see if I could manage to give a more satisfactory presentation of my material. My new production is shorter and significantly improved because I was more calm and better able to express my thoughts. 🙂

Tootsie is #69 on AFI’s Top 100 List–And I Almost Didn’t Watch It!


This week’s movie that I decided to watch from AFI’s Top 100 List is one that I originally had no intention of seeing– Tootsie. The reason why I did not want to watch Tootsie is because I felt like it was going to be another Mrs. Doubtfire movie. Even though I like Mrs. Doubtfire, I just did not feel like watching another repeat version of it. After my parents pointed out to me that Tootsie was released long before Mrs. Doubtfire  was (oops!) and told me how funny it was, I decided to give it a try.

I’m happy to say that  I ended up enjoying the movie. I found it to be funny, entertaining, and quite refreshing. I have to admit that a few of the scenes seemed a little familiar to me, indicating that I might have seen it before and just didn’t remember it. However, I didn’t really seem to remember the movie or the story, so it was all still pretty new to me. I’m glad that I took a chance on Tootsie, despite my hesitance to watch it!

Number 5 in the Top 100– What a Glorious Movie!

Singing in the Rain


After first choosing to watch and review movies that came out while I was kid, this week I decided to be a little different and watch an old classic movie- “Singin’ in the Rain.” As someone who was actually raised on the classics– and also happens to love musicals– I was kind of surprised that I never happened to watch “Singing’ in the Rain”  while growing up. I have to admit that this made me slightly reluctant to check this film out. However, I was pleasantly surprised and glad that I took the time to see it.


“Singin’ in the Rain” is a cute movie that takes place during the rise in popularity of talking pictures. It depicts the challenges that a group of actors face as they work to release their first talking movie, and how they overcome the challenges of synching audio with film, bad dialog, and performers who don’t speak well.  After the recent release of “The Artist” (another film that will no doubt make it on an AFI list someday), I almost found it ironic that I ended up watching another older movie dealing with a similar subject matter.

While I always tend to enjoy watching movies about movies (I’m just silly that way, I guess), probably my favorite aspect of the picture was the musical numbers. Tunes like “The Broadway Ballet,” “Make ’em Laugh,” and the title track made the movie extra fun and enjoyable for me. I would definitely recommend this film to anyone loves musicals.

AFI’s #99 of 100: A Movie I Should Have Watched a Long Time Ago!


Last week I wrote about my experience with viewing Titanic for the first time after several years. This week I watched a movie that many of you will be surprised to learn that I have never seen– Toy Story

 When I was younger and Toy Story was newly released on VHS I actually did get to see the beginning of the movie while at a slumber party. Unfortunately, however, I fell asleep and never got to see the rest of it (I also caught a bug at that party and ended up missing school the following week). Until recently, I never bothered to try watching it again. 

 All I can say is that I am so glad that I took the time to watch Toy Story. This film has won and been nominated for countless awards and made it to number 99 on AFI’s top 100 list in 2007. Because of it’s phenomenal cinematography, freshness, and fun story I do believe this film should be held in high esteem. One of the things that I enjoyed the most about the film was it’s positive message– I loved how the two very different characters worked out their differences and became friends in the end. 

 I believe that Toy Story is a great film for anyone who can appreciate a light-hearted, animated family film. I am looking forward to seeing Toy Story 2 and 3 in the future.

On a side note: Part of my inspiration for watching this movie was because one of the kids from my church told our pastor that he looks like the character, Woody. I actually agree. 🙂

AFI’s top 100 Movies – Titanic (1997)

One project that I have always been interested in undertaking would be to watch some of the movies on the American Film Institute’s top 100 lists that I have either neither seen before or have not seen in a very long time. Therefore, for the next several weeks I have decided to watch one movie a week from the list and record a few of my thoughts on it.


The first movie that I decided watch is one that has been in the news quite a bit recently- Titanic (1997), which was #83 on AFI’s 2007 list. Because I can’t stand watching 3D movies I opted out of seeing Titanic‘s recent 3D release, and instead pulled out my dusty, old VHS and watched it at home. I have to confess that after 9/11 I stopped watching this movie because seeing all of the destructing and watching people jumping off the ship while it was sinking started to really bother me. In fact, my mind started to make so many random comparisons between the Titanic incident and the Twin Towers to the point that even looking at a picture of the ship would sometimes spook me out. Fortunately, it has been many years now and I am over that. In fact, seeing all of the recent previews for the film’s 3D version actually reminded me how much I used to love Titanic. Thus, I felt inspired to watch it again after over a decade.

I have to admit that being older has really changed my perspective on Titanic. I noticed how the ship started to fill up with abnormally clean ocean water while it was sinking. I started wondering how that silly necklace managed to not slip out of Rose’s pocket during all of that action. In fact, it was quite a miracle that Rose survived, wasn’t it? Do you think she caught pneumonia afterwards? Was it easy restarting her life again under a new identity?


Questions…Questions…In fact, I even questioned the whole point of the film. After all of the hours I spent sitting on my bed watching and listening to it while making duct tape rose pens, I couldn’t help but question whether Titanic is simply another tragic love story or if it was also meant to inspire an interest in a particular era in time or event. Was it James Cameron’s intention that viewers should learn from the ill-fated voyage and relate to the story on some personal level? I certainly hope so.

I saw Titanic twice in theaters as a tween, and in me it evoked feelings of mystery and wonder. I even went to the library and looked for books about the ship so I could learn more about it. Last night, however, watching it just kind of got on my nerves a little. All I could think about were grave robbers and the exploitation of a tragic event.


Yet at the same time, I am still in awe of the film’s extraordinary craftsmanship. I have always been impressed by the cinematography and the countless hours that were spent building sets and ship replicas. Titanic is truly a masterpiece and it has rightfully earned every accolade that it has received throughout the years. At the end of the day, I still can’t help but hold this movie in high esteem. I also don’t doubt for a minute that feelings of nostalgia will probably inspire me to watch Titanic again another ten to fifteen years from now.


Casting Crowns: On Why It’s NOT Just Another Birthday


The new Casting Crowns single, “Just Another Birthday,” is very much in line with their previous hit, “Courageous.” A call to men on the importance of being there for their children, the song depicts the emotional struggle that a young girl faces as she grows up without a father. It is so important for young girls to have a father figure who will be a positive influence on their lives and remind them that they deserve to be treated like a princess. For those who have felt like orphans, the song is also a reminder  that our  true Father is in Heaven. Regardless of what we have been through in the past, Jesus loves us and wants us to have a relationship with Him. Not only does he forgive our sins when we repent and ask Him to, but He can also hold us, heal us, and comfort us more than any person on this earth can. It is also nice to remember that women who have this relationship with Christ are already  princesses because they are daughters of a King. 🙂

Visit the official YouTube page for Casting Crowns and check out the new music video for “Just Another Birthday.” Their page also features another video where Mark Hall discusses the thoughts behind the song. Not only did Mark Hall pen the new single, but he also has a nine year old daughter.

Hollywoodland – When Disbelief is No Longer Suspended

Briefly watching some of the Oscars on television last night brought back some memories of my visit to Hollywood last year. Planning my vacation to Los Angeles was as an exciting time for me as it could be. For years I had looked forward to the day that I might be able to visit the Golden Coast and dreamed of those exhilarating moments when I would bask in the warm California sunshine, search for sea glass on the shoreline, experience the Universal Studios back lot tour, and-of course-hop on a tour bus and spy on the homes of all of my favorite celebrities.

One sight that I particularly looked forward to seeing while in the Hollywood area was the Kodak Theater (now known as the Hollywood and Highland Center)- home to the Academy Awards since 2002. Always having had a great love and fascination for film (not mention also being a bit starstruck), I could barely wait to see the great stage where some of my favorite performers and directors once stood and were presented with shimmering golden statues. I wondered how close I would be able to get to the stage and I fantasized about sitting in the same seat that Steven Spielberg once sat in during an awards presentation.

I got to see the Kodak Theater for the first time during my first evening in California. An accidental detour took my mother and I past it as we trekked down Hollywood Blvd, hoping that the GPS was actually taking us back to the hotel on our return back from Santa Monica. It was so beautiful and exciting to see it that evening as we drove past it. Up close during the day, however, I was very surprised with what I discovered—The Kodak Theater is located in the center of a <gasp!> shopping mall!

“How did I miss that one?,” was the question that I kept asking myself. I racked my brain, trying to remember what the outside of the theater looked like when I saw it on television. Really, I should have known better. Did I not study film and video making for two years in college? Did I not feel spiritually and emotionally smothered that day in cinematography class when we blocked all of the natural lighting off the film set in favor of own lighting system that would make the setting look “real?” Wasn’t the phoniness of the film world the very reason why I had walked away from film school and chose to instead major in plain old Communications?

Yes, it was during this visit to Tinsel Town that I again witnessed firsthand the great illusion known as “Hollywood.” During the Universal back lot tour I saw replicas of stages and lots, and learned how special effects and illusions are created. I took a celebrity homes bus tour and was excited when the tour guide was kind enough to break the rules and show us the home that Michael Jackson passed away in, even though she “wasn’t supposed to.” We passed by Justin Timberlake’s house and were told that he was seen leaving his home during the last tour. In fact, there were three celebrity sightings during the last tour! Too bad my tour didn’t get to see any  rich and famous people roaming around in their natural environments. It was only after spending some time back home in Real New York that I realized how staged and fabricated the whole scenario probably was.

When I finally got over my disappointment over the bizarre location of the Kodak, I broke down and took the theater tour. I learned that the day before the Oscar event all of the stores have their front signs removed. The following day, the shops close and their front windows are covered  up with beautiful metallic curtains.  With that said, how could I have ever known the truth while looking at in on Television?

Inside the theater lobby, there are bars for the celebs to lounge in during commercial breaks. How many times did you see George Clooney in the audience last night? He supposedly spends a lot of time leaving the show and having drinks.  While he’s gone, a seat filler takes his place, just in case he doesn’t come back in time. Don’t get too excited, though, because you need to know someone in order to get that job!

 The theater itself is smaller than it looks on television, but it is quite lovely. Though I never got close to the stage, I did get to see some of the setup for the new Cirque du Soleil production, which was about to premier that weekend…They were awesome last night, weren’t they?

By now, some of you may have been wondering if I was disappointed with my visit to Hollywood last year. The answer is no, I wasn’t. In fact, I had a really nice trip. Would I go back? There are other places in California that I am more interested in visiting and re-visiting right now.

The purpose of film is to transport the spectator into another world, to bring out great emotions by use of an array of devices, to make the unbelievable  convincing. When a person chooses to visit the place at the very heart of something as extraordinary as cinema, then he or she should really expect nothing other than what I experienced during my visit to Hollywoodland.

The bottom line is this—All people, regardless of their background and religious affiliations, love and seek to be entertained. Some people carry so much baggage on their shoulders just from everyday living that all they really want is to relax and unwind at the end of the day. It is during the great moments of escapism when new experiences begin, foreign places are visited, and dreams become reality, and disbelief is suspended.

But no matter how great the illusion may be, however, it is nonetheless an illusion.

Jaci Velasquez’s New Album-Truly a Diamond

Fans are excited over Jaci Velasquez’s recently released Diamond. Released on February 3, 2012, Diamond is Velasquez’s 17th studio album, and her first album in four years since starting a family.

Those who have been looking forward to this highly anticipated recording have been far from disappointed. Diamond features a diverse collection of tracks that range from the upbeat and socially sensitive “Give Them Jesus,” to the soulful and romantic “Stay,” and the funky rock track, “Guilt.” One favorite is “Tell Me Again,” a reflection of a broken heart’s yearning to be reminded that God really loves them. Also inspiring is the album’s title track, which is a testament to God’s majesty. Other favorites include the beautiful Spanish track “Con El Viento a Mi Favor” and the powerful “Girl” (a positive track that reflects Velasquez’s early work).

Multifaceted and impassioned, it is without a doubt that this long-awaited album is a strong comeback from a powerful and gifted artist. Not to be overlooked, Jaci Velasquez’s Diamond is truly a gem.

Rejuvenating Tours Coming to City Near You!

For those of you who have been feeling like the Spring season just can’t come fast enough, have I got some good news for you!

Now just might be the perfect time to beat those Winter Blues and be renewed and refreshed at a live concert with some of your favorite Christian music artists. Here is a list of some of the uplifting tours that are happening now. Fans who live in the NY/Tri-State area should take particular notice of the March tour date in Newark for Casting Crowns 😉

Steven Curtis Chapman, Andrew Peterson, Josh Wilson

MercyMe, Tenth Avenue North, Lecrae, Disciple, Hawk Nelson, Sidewalk Prophets, Rend Collective

Skillet, Sanctus Real, Peter Furler, Kari Jobe, NewSong, Building 429, Group 1 Crew, Brock Gill, Dara Maclean, We As Human, For King & Country, Speaker Nick Hall

Casting Crowns, Matthew West, Royal Tailor, Lindsay McCaul


Newsboys, The City Harmonic, Anthem Lights, Abandon, Bob Lenz

The Hoppers

Hawk Nelson, Stellar Kart, Jamie Grace, Jenna Lucado Bishop, Chad Eastham

Chonda Pierce, Natalie Grant – March 2012