Category Archives: Popular Music

Casting Crowns: On Why It’s NOT Just Another Birthday


The new Casting Crowns single, “Just Another Birthday,” is very much in line with their previous hit, “Courageous.” A call to men on the importance of being there for their children, the song depicts the emotional struggle that a young girl faces as she grows up without a father. It is so important for young girls to have a father figure who will be a positive influence on their lives and remind them that they deserve to be treated like a princess. For those who have felt like orphans, the song is also a reminder  that our  true Father is in Heaven. Regardless of what we have been through in the past, Jesus loves us and wants us to have a relationship with Him. Not only does he forgive our sins when we repent and ask Him to, but He can also hold us, heal us, and comfort us more than any person on this earth can. It is also nice to remember that women who have this relationship with Christ are already  princesses because they are daughters of a King. 🙂

Visit the official YouTube page for Casting Crowns and check out the new music video for “Just Another Birthday.” Their page also features another video where Mark Hall discusses the thoughts behind the song. Not only did Mark Hall pen the new single, but he also has a nine year old daughter.

Jaci Velasquez’s New Album-Truly a Diamond

Fans are excited over Jaci Velasquez’s recently released Diamond. Released on February 3, 2012, Diamond is Velasquez’s 17th studio album, and her first album in four years since starting a family.

Those who have been looking forward to this highly anticipated recording have been far from disappointed. Diamond features a diverse collection of tracks that range from the upbeat and socially sensitive “Give Them Jesus,” to the soulful and romantic “Stay,” and the funky rock track, “Guilt.” One favorite is “Tell Me Again,” a reflection of a broken heart’s yearning to be reminded that God really loves them. Also inspiring is the album’s title track, which is a testament to God’s majesty. Other favorites include the beautiful Spanish track “Con El Viento a Mi Favor” and the powerful “Girl” (a positive track that reflects Velasquez’s early work).

Multifaceted and impassioned, it is without a doubt that this long-awaited album is a strong comeback from a powerful and gifted artist. Not to be overlooked, Jaci Velasquez’s Diamond is truly a gem.

Saying Good-bye to a Star

On a rare occasion, a superstar is born. It bursts forth in an array of vibrant colors, glistening in a sparkle that is unique unto itself. In its beauty and rarity, it stands out above the rest. It is praised and loved for the gracious gift that it generously shares with all who delight in it. Adulation helps keep the star thriving, and admirers eagerly partake in as much of its brilliance as they can.

But the unfortunate truth is that even the brightest stars will soon die, some even younger than they perhaps should. But the great ones will not simply fade away into a nonexistent state. Never. These stars will instead rupture into a great supernova, leaving behind a radiant splendor that can outshine an entire galaxy. With that kind of luminance, how can we say that  the star ever left us? Now it shines greater then it ever did before! Those who remain behind shall enjoy the stars remaining gifts until the end of time.

Today friends, family, and fans gathered together to say good-bye to such a star. Though she is no longer here with us physically, she leaves behind the great fruits of her labor–Her music, her films, her ministry. Her essence remains, and her spirit lives on Heaven.

Thank-you for sharing your gifts with us, Whitney Houston. May you rest peacefully in the arms of Jesus our Savior.