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Media and Social Change Project

For my Media and Social Change project I chose to make a video presentation during which I discuss how fans have been using a variety of social networking tools to ask celebrities to be their prom dates. Part of my presentation includes actually showing everyone the different sites that are used by the fans and how important it is to use the “word of mouth” process if fans are at all going to be able to get the attention of the celebrity.

The first step is to click on this link:

After that you may click on the the link to my twitter account, and then the tweet that I have for the video (Fans Ask Celebrities to the Prom).

If any of the links fail or if you simply do not have the time or patience to go through the process (my feelings won’t be hurt), you can click here and view the video immediately:

Thank-you and enjoy!


UPDATE: The above link is for a video that is different from the one that I posted last night. This was my first time making a video like this so I was very nervous and rambled a lot. Because I wasn’t completely satisfied I decided to try it again and see if I could manage to give a more satisfactory presentation of my material. My new production is shorter and significantly improved because I was more calm and better able to express my thoughts. 🙂